Posts for 2020

Board – Not Bored!

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Board – Not Bored!

Behind many great organizations and governing bodies is usually a dedicated board of directors, and believe me they are not bored!  Their job is to guide and direct their various organizations, businesses, and government entities to the best of their ability representing children, constituents, citizens and customers. 

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The Many Hats of Economic Development

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I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about the many hats that I wear for my position in Economic Development.  I came up with ten different hats that I wear to work on a weekly basis and sometimes I have to wear more than one hat! 

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COVID-19 Assistance Programs

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COVID-19COVID-19 Assistance Programs

As I sit at my kitchen counter attending countless COVID-19 webinars, the number one topic Economic Development Professionals are talking about is how to help businesses during this strange time.  Below is a small list of resources available at this time.

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Small Town. Big Idea.

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Small Town. Big Idea.

Do you have a BIG idea for a new business but often think… that will never work in a small town like Miller? I hear that a lot and I disagree. There is no idea too big for our small town.

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Talk is Turning into Progress

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On Hand Development Corporation has been talking about a new hotel development for years. That talk is now turning into progress. In 2019, we hired a hospitality consulting firm to conduct a hotel study. To help cover costs for that study, we utilized an economic development grant from our city’s power supplier, Heartland Consumers Power District.

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On Hand Would Like to Welcome our Newest Face, Sarah DeHaai

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Sarah DeHaai is the newest face to the On Hand Development Corporation Board Of Directors. Sarah was selected by the On Hand Board at the most recent board meeting on Wednesday, February 12. Sarah is taking the seat of Pete DeGeest who served on the board for the past nine years.

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Bring Your A Game, Miller!

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On Hand Development is excited to announce, “Bring Your A Game” workshop to Miller on Thursday, March 12th from 11:00 am -1 :00 pm. What is that? Bring Your A Game is a workshop filled with topics including Attitude, Attendance, Appearance, Ambition, Acceptance, Appreciation, and Accountability.   They also include "life examples" as well as "work experiences". 

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Proud of You Miller!

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If you didn’t attend the ask a council member question and answer session last week, you sure missed out. Everyone in the area had the opportunity to attend and let their voice be heard. If you didn’t attend and you have questions, shame on you. I personally invited people who complain about city or economic development issues and they didn’t show up. It’s like my mother in-law says, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Over 75 people attended the session and the city council answered questions about the surcharges, phases of the projects, grants, funding, snow removal, roads, code enforcement, and lots of other topics.

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Ask a city council member… They can’t hear you if you don’t ask them.

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I can’t tell you how many people I have talked to in Miller about questions that they have for the city council. I ask them, “Do you go to the city meetings?” Or, “Have you asked your council member?” I usually get, “No, I don’t know when the meetings are, I don’t want to be in the paper, I don’t want to bother them,” or some other excuse. The truth is, the City of Miller does an excellent job of staying transparent with Miller residents. They hold two monthly meetings every month that are open to the public, the meeting minutes are posted in the Miller Press, and they hold special meetings during the year. On the other hand, Miller residents don’t always do an excellent job of attending city meetings, asking questions, or getting involved. At the last city council meeting, one resident came with concerns. A lot of city meetings, no one comes. My question to everyone, if you have all these questions, why not address? They can’t hear you if you don’t ask them.

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