Posts for December 2022


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Recently, the On Hand Development board and staff gathered to make the plan for next year and the years to come. Our entire community has so very much to be proud of from 2022. 2023 is looking bright with new business owners, business expansions, big changes, and new faces in our community.

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Great Work, Miller Civic and Commerce!

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What a great Christmas on the Prairie event! I had so many people come up to me and thank me for a wonderful night of shopping and all of the fun events. I had to tell them that I didn’t organize a thing for the event and they needed to thank the Miller Civic and Commerce, all of the businesses who join the Miller C&C and all of the volunteers who made it possible. My job was helping them put the pieces together and get the word out. I want to take my space in this article to thank the Miller Civic and Commerce and urge anyone or any business who isn’t a member to join!

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Shop Local and Support Small Business

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A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak to the Miller Elementary students about shopping local. I decided not to do a PowerPoint presentation or a long drawn out speech. I am better when I can throw a few jokes in and make it fun so I had a role-playing activity that not only involved a few of my friends who are affected by shopping local, but also the students.

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