South Dakota Nonprofit Capacity Building Program Excels Rural Fundraising Capacity
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Renner, SD Kecia Beranek, Executive Director of On Hand Development applied and has been selected to participate in cohort two of the South Dakota Nonprofit Capacity Building Program.
This credentialed professional development opportunity is a 15-month training program that involves: 1) Four fundraising courses taught by faculty from The Fundraising School at Indiana University 2) Attainment of CFRE credentials 3) Activities with a statewide cohort of South Dakota fundraising professionals.
A couple weeks ago I got a call from a Miller resident wanting to talk about my articles for the Miller Press. She explained to me that what I am writing about is not always the truth here in Hand County.
At our annual strategic planning session, the On Hand Development Board of Directors, agreed that the number priority for 2021 is to assist our existing businesses in Hand County. We have always put existing businesses as a top priority, but this year, we are dedicating a larger portion of our time and resources into your business.
How fortunate is Hand County to have so many volunteers in our community? Think about it… firefighters, EMT’s, church volunteers, board members, and the list goes on and on.
Each one of us has a duty to our community, to help create and sustain a vibrant place to live, work, and play. We can create thriving communities through even the smallest of everyday decisions — especially when it comes to the businesses we support. With a simple commitment to always think local first, we can create a wide ripple of impact.
When our local businesses are alive and doing well, our community will THRIVE. I understand not everything can be bought locally, but it may surprise you how much actually can be, and how willing our local businesses are to get you what you need. If you make the decision to think local first, you might be surprised in what you find.