Where Does the Money Go?

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I had the opportunity to sit down with a county commissioner and visit about On Hand Development and what we spend our money on. He said he has had questions on why Hand County funds On Hand. My answer to this, “Because we benefit ALL of Hand County! I went on to explain that we need a central place that current and prospective businesses can go to help with their needs. We need a place where folks can gather and have large events that bring in hundreds of people to our community to spend money. We need a nonprofit that works with both the City and the County that can do things that those two entities can’t do. We need a place that entrepreneurs can go to get help with business ideas and plans. We need our Revolving Loan Fund to help businesses expand or get through tough times. We need On Hand Development for Hand County to thrive.”

I report quarterly to the city council and county commission about projects that we are working on and goals for the future. We also have a county commissioner and a city councilor who sits on our board to help guide our budget and keep us on track with the goals of the county and the city. We categorize our budget into two categories. The Miller Community and On Hand Development each have their own budget. I will explain our projected 2021 budget.

The Community Center Income includes: 80% of BBB Tax from City of Miller- $35,000, Senior Center Rent- $6,000, Gym Rentals- $10,000, Meeting Room Rentals- $5000, Pop sales- $100, and table and chair rentals- $250 for a total of $56,350.

The On Hand Development Income includes: City of Miller- $75,000 and Hand County $30,000 for a total of $105,000. In 2021, we also received additional income from the Miller Civic and Commerce, interest, PPP, and rent for a total of $74,511. Total Income for On Hand Development in 2021 is projected at $179,511.

Now, for the expenses. Most people don’t realize how much money the Community Center costs to keep the doors open. Our expenses include; cleaning, depreciation, events, insurance, payroll, payroll taxes, repairs, security, supplies, and utilities for a total of $105,500 a year.

On Hand Development has a different set of expenses that include but not limited to; advertising, attorney fees, business development, community improvement, conferences and training, dues, general offices expenses, housing, insurance, payroll, payroll taxes, postage, promotion of our area, employee recruitment program, supplies, taxes, travel, and our website. Our yearly total for expenses is around $135,251.

Our grand total for all expenses is estimated at $233,051. Our estimated net income for 2021 is $2,810. Our 11 board members get NO reimbursement of any kind. Our other committee members are also all volunteer with no benefits or pay.  They dedicate their time every month for the community.

Keep in mind none of these budget numbers include our revolving loan information. Our revolving loan fund was started with a grant from USDA for the amount of $100,000. Today, that fund has eight loans out in Hand County for over $620,000. We work with a number of partners for loans for any business in Hand County.

So, where does On Hand money go? It goes back to Hand County. It goes to community improvement. Remember when the famous Steers on Main Street got a new look in 2020? That was an On Hand project and the money spent came out of the community improvement budget that was saved over a period of time.  It goes to businesses that needed new signs and awnings. It goes to recruitment for any full-time employee in Hand County to help find and keep employees. It goes to housing. It goes to keeping our Community Center open, clean, and ready for events of any size.

We greatly appreciate the City of Miller and Hand County working together with us and everyone’s passion for our community. Without funding, our passion would be limited.

On Hand’s success has created projects that continue to generate income, provide jobs, generate sales, increase property tax values and ensure the future of this community. Our passion for this community is strong and funding is necessary for our projects and passion to continue for the future. I encourage you to stop by the office sometime if you have additional questions or concerns. 

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