“Caught doing it Right” Award

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In most cases, there is no one individual responsible for the success of a program. In nearly all, it is the combination of the efforts of many. Often those individuals work quietly , without flair or pageantry to provide a service almost unknown to the general public. One such group is the volunteers of the Wheels and Meals program. Without these caring individuals, the home delivered meal program would not exist. Without these sharing individuals who give of their time, energy and personal expense, dozens of the meals per day would not be distributed to the individuals most at risk in our community. Throughout the past winter, never a day went by without home delivered meals being transported to the homes of our participants.

srcitizenNeither snow nor cold deterred out volunteers from making their daily rounds. A multitude of thanks to all of those individuals and organizations who give of their time to allow our program to exist. It is most appreciated by all. Our hat is off to your continuous dedication to a cause which truly allows for greater independence for many of our valued seniors. And if by chance our readers should come across a vehicle loaded with blue bags about dinner time, tell them thanks. You never know when you might be in need of their caring.

"It makes me feel good when I deliver meal-on-wheels, I get rewarded by a thank you and big smiles letting me know they appreciate what I'm doing."
Greg Palmer

"Miller has an outstanding meals program. The support it gets from the community both financially and the time volunteers donate to deliver the meals makes the program work. For me, delivering meals is an honor and a privilege."
Chad Rembold

If you would like to nominate someone for “Caught doing it Right” please contact Amy at 605-853-3098 or Email »

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